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Off to Find New FriendsÂ…

And so it begins…

In just two days ways we arrive in Kenya, to begin the pilot test of the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) Protocol.

So you may be wondering, with Sheri Willoughby busy consulting on another BoP project for Johnson and Johnson, and Patrick and the BoP Protocol team in Africa, will the the Workshop get pretty empty?

Actually, it may get more crowded than ever in here! I can't tell you how eager we are to invite some smiling new faces in here. Toys to discover, games to learn, stories to share, dreams to awake. Stay tuned for regular updates from the field.

And please, wish us luck and learning.

Create often, play always.

-your friends at BRINQ.

Unleashing Competitive Imagination- the Base of the Pyramid Protocol

The BoP Protocol

How can the multinational company become the driver of an inclusive capitalism?

That's the critical question the Base of the Pyramid Protocol seeks to answer. Developed by Stuart Hart and the Base of the Pyramid Learning Lab, the BOP Protocol Project is a collaborative effort to develop guidelines and business models for successful Base of the Pyramid ventures, enabling them to meet the needs of the world's 4 billion poorest people while discovering huge new growth and innovation opportunities.

The Vision: to create inclusive, mutually beneficial business processes through which the private sector and local communities build economic, social and environmental value.

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